Monday, July 6, 2009

Thanks, friends.

Today, someone called me snobby and elitist in an anonymous comment to my Jealousy & Envy blog post. Wow, that stung…if only for a minute.

Actually, I’m thrilled to receive online feedback because it happens so infrequently. Usually I just get kudos or grief from my readers in person.

I’m not going to defend nor justify my position on this comment. Everyone’s entitled to their opinions both of me personally and my writing. Obviously, this reader has issues with me that have been passive-aggressively addressed anonymously. So even if I wanted to respond personally, I can’t.

But the comment did get me thinking about my group of friends. To be sure, they far surpass a “close knit group of 3”. I do have a circle of girlfriends, some live near by and others are far. Yes, these are “my girls”. My girls are my strength, my rocks, my go-to people. My life is fuller and richer with them in it. I’m positive you know who you are, girls.

You are my source of entertainment and comedy. I love it when you laugh with me. And laugh at me. I love when you poke fun of me and don’t take it too seriously when I tear you up too.

I consider myself very lucky to have a wonderful array of personalities. I love that you are each unique in your own way. I love that we’re very much alike and very different at the same time too.

I love when you agree with me. Sometimes I really need that. But I also love when you completely disagree with me and force me to see the other side.

I love it that even though you live far away, we can always pick right back up where we left off when we talk on the phone. I love that calling & texting enables me to feel like you’re right here.

I love it that we’ve been friends for years and years and our friendship is still very real and relevant.

I love that I can be myself with you. Not Mom or Mrs. Fives, just Tracy. Thanks for listening to me. Even if you’ve heard the same story twenty times. Thanks for going along on this roller coaster journey of life with me in the next seat.

I’m very thankful for all my amazing, wonderful, dynamic, sparkling, fabulous, smart, fun & funky friends. My life wouldn’t be the same without you. I’m fairly confident I tell you how much you mean to me, my friends. But just in case, I can’t say it enough: I love you dear friends.

And to my anonymous commenter, I apologize if I’ve unknowingly slighted you. It was not my intention. And thanks for your concern; I will keep my day job.


  1. AnonymousJuly 06, 2009

    Wow! I just read this story and of course, had to go back and read what that other person had to say about you. She sounds like an envious friend, quite frankly, Tracy. Like someone who would love to be in your "inner circle" but just can't get in. For the record, I love you too! Fifteen years of awesome friendship--I'm blessed to have your bitchy self in my life! Hilarious... but elitist? You? Now that's funny! Miss you, Tray. XO Jen

  2. AnonymousJuly 06, 2009

    We love you, too, you snobby, elitist bitch, you! :) - P.

  3. AnonymousJuly 08, 2009

    I just reread what "anonymous" wrote and wow, she must have issues. Definitely jealous and envious. She surely does not see you as funny, entertaining, smart, or a fabulous friend. You have always been there for me and I also love you, especially when you are always RIGHT. I have been friends with you for ten years, and am glad you are not just a NICE girl, because I love my snobby, bitchy, elitist friend coming from the other one. I am also lucky and blessed to have you in my life. Maybe "anonymous" should try to find someone in hers and then maybe she will be "SNW" to someone else. Anyway, always be you, because that is what we all love about you!

