Friday, September 12, 2008

(Sarah +Palin) + (Mother + VP)= Yes

I cannot believe all of the conversations going on in the news media and in the blogsphere regarding Sarah Palin. People are not just questioning her experience and readiness to become the future VP of the United States. They are questioning whether a mother of five can possibly have the time to be VP. Personally, I'm offended, irritated and aggravated by this entire line of thought. I surely haven't heard anyone on the radio, on TV nor on the Internet questioning whether Barack Obama or John McCain is capable of leading this country because they are fathers. The question is truly inane. And any American who asks it is a schmuck.

Of course, Sarah Palin can be the second in command and be a mother. For Christ's sake, us women do that sort of multitasking all day long. It's in our DNA. As a working mother of two, I'm so disgusted that I even have to waste my finger energy typing this post. No one questions me at my job if I can perform my job functions just because I also happen to have children. As a matter of fact, my hiring manager was not even legally allowed to ask whether or not I had kids when I was interviewed. Know why? IT'S AGAINST THE LAW!

I realize that when it comes to selecting a President or other high-level position, Americans want more information on their candidate than just their resume. I get that. But it really pisses me off when I see the double standard against women. Like we're not capable of doing what we always do and be just the same as men. Especially when I consider that as a generality, women ARE better at a variety of skills that would probably help this country recover from the mess we're in:

--Multi-tasking. Being the President requires the ability to juggle many decisions at once. Our male president, Bushwacker, proves my point that men cannot multitask like women. He's taken more vacation days than any other president. If he were my employee, I'd fire him for poor attendance.

--Communication. Women are made for communicating. Plus throw in our ability to see both sides; clearly communicate our feelings; express empathy and concern; and we can talk without sticking out our peacock feathers like men. Can anyone tell me these skills would not be most helpful to resolve the Israel/Palestine conflict?

--Organized. Our great country is such a hodgepodge of people, policies, bureaucracies, etc. Imagine a women at its helm. The first thing she'd probably do is spring clean and toss out the crap.

--Education. Our educational system is in shambles. Women care about education. We'd make a difference because we realize spending money on education is probably a more worthy en devour than lots of this country's other pork-belly spending.

I'm not saying I plan to vote for McCain/Palin. I still am undecided. but I am thrilled to see a competent women on the ticket. I just wish the country would start focusing on the issues and the candidates would truly speak about what's important and tell us where they stand. Because I'm sick of hearing about the damn glass ceiling that Sarah's trying to break.


  1. No No No No No No No No NO!

    Don't get side tracked by all the BS about Palin and her gender. It's all a smokescreen. Turn off Fox News, turn off CNN, turn off all that shit. Palin should not be VP because she's not remotely qualified and because she has nutball ideas that are anti-women, anti-reason, and anti-freedom. The McCain campaign is doing a great job of convincing women that they must vote for Palin otherwise they're turning their back on themselves. Bullshit. Don't buy any of the lies and deceptions. For god's sake, end the 8 year nightmare that Bush has caused by NOT voting for McCain.

  2. You can't tell me that you don't think that with Palin being a mother of 5 and VP someone in the scenario is losing out. Either the country, or her kids. I agree that you can being a working mother and successful at both. But COME ON, it's the United States of America, not the Fives' household of 4 plus dog! ~Jess S.
