Thursday, September 18, 2008

I-Pod Playlists for Life

Recently, I attended a book signing for one of my favorite authors. After reading from his newest novel, the author explained it had an accompanying soundtrack that the author "scored" to his book, chapter by chapter. It would enable readers to "see" his vision by hearing, and therefore feeling, whatever emotion he was trying to convey through his writing. I thought that was the coolest idea.

So, if a CD score of a book can add pleasure to the reading experience, I wonder how much more pleasure I could derive in life by just adding the right soundtrack. I decided that night, that my new project is to create more playlists for my I-pod.

l already have a playlist for running. The “Get Your Ass Moving” playlist includes twenty songs of dancing and bump-and-grind hip-hop. It keeps me motivated and running faster.

Then I have the "This House is a Freaking Disaster" playlist that includes stadium-thumping, hair band alterna-rockers. It's the kind of collection that inspires me to throw my hair up in an Aunt Jemima-red bandanna, toss in a load of laundry and wield my Windex bottle all over the house. I can rock out while I straighten bedrooms, organize closets and put away sixteen pairs of shoes in three sizes.

I also have a great "I Work Hard and Deserve to Chillax" playlist for when I allow myself a very lazy afternoon in the pool…floating on my favorite metallic-gold raft with a vat of guacamole and chips and something chilly to drink. That playlist is comprised of mostly classic rock.

There are some other “event-driven” playlists that need to be created, such as the “Mommy’s Cranky So Stay Away While I Take My Frustration Out on This Pillow”. I imagine that will be filled with hard-core heavy metal. Then, I’ll need one for the “I’m Crying At Everything Because I’m PMSing” playlist that will probably include sappy love songs. Of course I’ll need the “Never Let Go Of My Youth Even Though It Was More Than Half My Lifetime Ago”, which will be filled with one-hit wonders from the 80s.

Finally there’s the “OK Kids, I’ll Connect With You Over Songs That are Performed by Singers Who Are Young Enough to be My Own Children.” Yes, you guessed it….Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers. That’s for my girls, of course, when we dance around the house and I get to pretend I’m 6 again.

What about you? What playlists would you like to add to your I-Pod to help get through your day?

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